List of product categories
You see the available product categories in PollyNET.
Matches in total
Name | Sort | ColorCode | ∑ Related product types | id |
100 | 1 | 4 Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm , Volume depolarization ratio at 532 nm , Relative humidity , Lidar target categorization | 19 | |
101 | 1 | 3 Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 355 nm , Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 532 nm , Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm | 3 | |
102 | 1 | 2 Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 355 nm NR , Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 532 nm NR | 31 | |
103 | 1 | 3 Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 355 nm OC , Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 532 nm OC , Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm OC | 45 | |
104 | 1 | 3 Volume depolarization ratio at 355 nm , Volume depolarization ratio at 532 nm , Volume depolarization ratio at 1064 nm | 4 | |
104 | 1 | 2 all profiles low range with new QC method , all profiles high range with new QC method | 46 | |
200 | 2 | 2 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 532 nm , Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm | 5 | |
201 | 2 | 4 Lidar target categorization , Quasi Angstroem exponent 532/1064 nm , Quasi particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm , Lidar target categorization version 2 | 6 | |
202 | 2 | 3 Lidar target categorization version 2 , Quasi particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm , Quasi Angstroem exponent 532/1064 nm | 32 | |
203 | 2 | 3 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm , Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 532 nm , Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 355 nm | 33 | |
205 | 2 | 2 Water vapour mixing ratio , Relative humidity | 18 | |
278 | 3 | 2 all profiles high range Raman method , all profiles high range Klett method | 43 | |
279 | 3 | 2 all profiles low range Raman method , all profiles low range Klett method | 44 | |
280 | 3 | 4 Averaged backscatter profile from Klett method , Averaged backscatter profile from Raman method , Averaged depolarization ratio profile with Bsc. from Klett method , Averaged depolarization ratio profile with Bsc. from Raman method | 21 | |
281 | 3 | 4 Averaged extinction profile from Klett method , Averaged extinction profile from Raman method , Averaged lidar ratio profile , Averaged Angstroem exponent profile (Raman method) | 22 | |
282 | 3 | 2 Averaged water vapour mixing ratio profile , Averaged relative humidity profile | 23 | |
283 | 3 | 3 Averaged backscatter profile from Rotional Raman method , Averaged extinction profile from Rotational Raman method , Averaged lidar ratio profile from rotational raman products | 40 | |
283 | 3 | 4 Averaged near-range backscatter profile from Klett method , Averaged near-range backscatter profile from Raman method , Averaged near-range extinction profile from Raman method , Averaged near-range lidar ratio profile | 25 | |
283 | 3 | 2 POLIPHON step 1 product based on Raman bsc , POLIPHON step 1 product based on Klett bsc | 35 | |
284 | 3 | 4 Averaged backscatter profile from Klett method overlap_corrected , Averaged backscatter profile from Raman method overlap_corrected , Averaged extinction profile from Raman method overlap_corrected , Averaged lidar ratio profile overlap_corrected | 26 | |
300 | 3 | 4 Averaged range-corrected signals , Averaged pressure profile used as input , Averaged temperature profile used as input , meteorlogical input files | 16 | |
302 | 3 | 1 Retrieved overlap function of the channels | 17 | |
401 | 4 | 1 Houskeeping data | 14 | |
402 | 4 | 16 Lidar constant of 355 FR channel , Lidar constant of 532 FR channel , Lidar constant of 1064 FR channel , Lidar constant of 355 NR channel , Lidar constant of 532 NR channel , placeholder , Lidar constant of 387 FR channel , placeholder , placeholder , placeholder , Lidar constant of 607 FR channel , placeholder , placeholder , placeholder , placeholder , placeholder | 11 | |
403 | 4 | 3 Signal status 355s nm , Signal status FR 387 nm , Signal status FR 355 nm | 13 | |
404 | 4 | 3 Signal status FR 532 nm , Signal status 532s nm , Signal status FR 607 nm | 27 | |
405 | 4 | 3 Signal status NR 355 nm , Signal status NR 387 nm , Signal status FR 407 nm | 28 | |
406 | 4 | 3 Signal status FR 1064 nm , Signal status NR 532 nm , Signal status NR 607 nm | 30 | |
407 | 4 | 2 Lidar constant of 355 NR channel , Lidar constant of 532 NR channel | 34 | |
408 | 4 | 4 Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 355 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio355s nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 387 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 407 nm | 36 | |
409 | 4 | 4 Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 532 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio 532s nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio 532RR nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 607 nm | 37 | |
410 | 4 | 3 Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 355 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 532 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 1064 nm | 42 | |
410 | 4 | 3 Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 1064 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio FR 1064s nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio RR 1064s nm | 38 | |
411 | 4 | 6 Signal-to-Noise ratio NR 1064 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio NR 355 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio NR 387 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio NR 532 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio NR 607 nm , Signal-to-Noise ratio 532s_NR aka DFOV nm | 39 | |
501 | 1 | 4 Range-corrected signal far-range at 355 nm , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal | 47 | |
501 | 1 | 3 Range-corrected signal far-range at 355 nm , Range-corrected signal far-range at 532 nm , Range-corrected signal far-range at 1064 nm | 1 | |
502 | 1 | 5 Range-corrected signal far-range at 532 nm , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal | 48 | |
502 | 1 | 2 Range-corrected signal near-range at 355 nm , Range-corrected signal near-range at 532 nm | 2 | |
503 | 1 | 3 Range-corrected signal far-range at 1064 nm , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal | 49 | |
504 | 1 | 3 Range-corrected signal near-range at 355 nm , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal | 50 | |
505 | 1 | 3 Range-corrected signal near-range at 532 nm , Range-corrected signal , Range-corrected signal | 51 | |
600 | 5 | 2 Air mass origin based on geographics , Air mass origin based on landuse | 20 | |
601 | 5 | 1 Houskeeping data for the whole campaign | 24 | |
601 | 6 | 1 Cloud_boundaries_overlay | 41 |