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List of product types

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ident Name Related product category id
airmass_origin_geo Air mass origin based on geographics 53
airmass_origin_landuse Air mass origin based on landuse 54
Profile_summary_klett_high_range all profiles high range Klett method 137
Profile_summary_raman_high_range all profiles high range Raman method 135
Profile_summary_QC_high_range all profiles high range with new QC method 140
Profile_summary_klett_low_range all profiles low range Klett method 138
Profile_summary_raman_low_range all profiles low range Raman method 136
Profile_summary_QC_low_range all profiles low range with new QC method 139
ANGEXP Averaged Angstroem exponent profile 44
ANGEXP_Klett Averaged Angstroem exponent profile (Klett method) 46
ANGEXP_Klett_OC Averaged Angstroem exponent profile (Klett method) overlap_corrected 63
ANGEXP_Klett_NR Averaged Angstroem exponent profile (Klett method) near-range 77
ANGEXP_Raman Averaged Angstroem exponent profile (Raman method) 45
ANGEXP_Raman_OC Averaged Angstroem exponent profile (Raman method) overlap_corrected 62
ANGEXP_Raman_NR Averaged Angstroem exponent profile (Raman method) near-range 76
Bsc_Klett Averaged backscatter profile from Klett method 36
Bsc_Klett_OC Averaged backscatter profile from Klett method overlap_corrected 55
Bsc_Raman Averaged backscatter profile from Raman method 35
Bsc_Raman_OC Averaged backscatter profile from Raman method overlap_corrected 56
Bsc_RR Averaged backscatter profile from Rotional Raman method 102
DepRatio Averaged depolarization ratio profile 40
DepRatio_Klett_OC Averaged depolarization ratio profile from Klett method overlap_corrected 60
DepRatio_Raman_OC Averaged depolarization ratio profile from Raman method overlap_corrected 59
DepRatio_Klett Averaged depolarization ratio profile with Bsc. from Klett method 42
DepRatio_Raman Averaged depolarization ratio profile with Bsc. from Raman method 41
Ext_Klett Averaged extinction profile from Klett method 37
Ext_Klett_OC Averaged extinction profile from Klett method overlap_corrected 57
Ext_Raman Averaged extinction profile from Raman method 38
Ext_Raman_OC Averaged extinction profile from Raman method overlap_corrected 58
Ext_RR Averaged extinction profile from Rotational Raman method 103
LR Averaged lidar ratio profile 43
LR_RR Averaged lidar ratio profile from rotational raman products 104
LR_OC Averaged lidar ratio profile overlap_corrected 61
Bsc_Klett_NR Averaged near-range backscatter profile from Klett method 72
Bsc_Raman_NR Averaged near-range backscatter profile from Raman method 71
Ext_Klett_NR Averaged near-range extinction profile from Klett method 73
Ext_Raman_NR Averaged near-range extinction profile from Raman method 74
LR_NR Averaged near-range lidar ratio profile 75
Meteor_P Averaged pressure profile used as input 50
SIG Averaged range-corrected signals 49
SIG_OC Averaged range-corrected signals overlap_corrected 66
RH_av Averaged relative humidity profile 48
RH_av_OC Averaged relative humidity profile overlap_corrected 65
Meteor_T Averaged temperature profile used as input 51
WVMR_av Averaged water vapour mixing ratio profile 47
WVMR_av_OC Averaged water vapour mixing ratio profile overlap_corrected 64
ATT_BETA_1064 Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm 8
ATT_BETA_1064_OC Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm OC 69
ATT_BETA_355 Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 355 nm 6
ATT_BETA_355_NR Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 355 nm NR 92
ATT_BETA_355_OC Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 355 nm OC 67
ATT_BETA_532 Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 532 nm 7
ATT_BETA_532_NR Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 532 nm NR 93
ATT_BETA_532_OC Calibrated attenuated backscatter coefficient at 532 nm OC 68
CLOUDINFO_1064 Cloud_boundaries_overlay 134
monitor Houskeeping data 33
long_term_monitor Houskeeping data for the whole campaign 70
LC_1064 Lidar constant of 1064 FR channel 22
LC_355 Lidar constant of 355 FR channel 20
LC_355_NF Lidar constant of 355 NR channel 23
LC_387 Lidar constant of 387 FR channel 124
LC_532 Lidar constant of 532 FR channel 21
LC_532_NF Lidar constant of 532 NR channel 24
LC_607 Lidar constant of 607 FR channel 126
TC Lidar target categorization 15
TC_v2 Lidar target categorization version 2 85
Profile_summary_meteo_pTRH meteorlogical input files 155
LC_1064_NF placeholder 25
Bsc_AERONET placeholder 34
Ext_AERONET placeholder 122
LC_355s placeholder 123
LC_532s placeholder 125
LC_407 placeholder 127
LC_532RR placeholder 128
LC_1064s placeholder 129
LC_1064RR placeholder 130
LC_387_NF placeholder 131
LC_607_NF placeholder 132
LC_532s_NF placeholder 133
POLIPHON_step1_Klett POLIPHON step 1 product based on Klett bsc 101
POLIPHON_step1_Raman POLIPHON step 1 product based on Raman bsc 100
Quasi_ANGEXP_532_1064 Quasi Angstroem exponent 532/1064 nm 16
Quasi_ANGEXP_532_1064_v2 Quasi Angstroem exponent 532/1064 nm 97
Quasi_Bsc_1064 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm 14
Quasi_Bsc_1064_v2 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm 96
Quasi_Bsc_355 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 355 nm 12
Quasi_Bsc_355_v2 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 355 nm 94
Quasi_Bsc_532 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 532 nm 13
Quasi_Bsc_532_v2 Quasi particle backscatter coefficient at 532 nm 95
Quasi_PDR_532 Quasi particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm 17
Quasi_PDR_532_v2 Quasi particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm 98
RCS_FR_cross_355 Range-corrected signal 141
RCS_FR_387 Range-corrected signal 142
RCS_NR_387 Range-corrected signal 143
RCS_FR_407 Range-corrected signal 144
RCS_NR_407 Range-corrected signal 145
RCS_FR_cross_532 Range-corrected signal 146
RCS_FR_parallel_532 Range-corrected signal 147
RCS_NR_cross_532 Range-corrected signal 148
RCS_FR_607 Range-corrected signal 149